I seriously need to restart my blog. Not only do I need a RMarkdown process, but also for Jupyter Notebooks.

Updating the RMarkdown+jekyll process

A lot of things broke. It turns out I needed to update R to v3.3.0 in order to use the latest version of knitr, etc. So I went back to brocks

  • Update R to v3.3.0, downloading from https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/

  • In R,

install.packages(c("knitr", "servr", "devtools"))     # To process .Rmd files
devtools::install_github("hadley/lubridate")         # brocks reqs dev version
devtools::install_github("brendan-r/brocks")         # My lazy wrapper funs
  • In terminal, do sudo gem install jekyll

Then everything works again.

Jekyll + Jupyter Notebook?

Starting to look at some of the tutorials. This seems promising. Source can be found at gist

Create jekyll-post template

Extend the markdown template: see gist


    from urllib.parse import quote  # Py 3
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import quote  # Py 2
import os
import sys

c = get_config()
c.NbConvertApp.export_format = 'markdown'
c.MarkdownExporter.template_file = 'jekyll-post'
c.Exporter.file_extension = '.md'

def path2url(path):
    """Turn a file path into a URL"""
    parts = path.split(os.path.sep)
    return '/notebooks/' + '/'.join(quote(part) for part in parts)

c.MarkdownExporter.filters = {'path2url': path2url}
## Traceback (most recent call last):
##   File "<string>", line 8, in <module>
## NameError: name 'get_config' is not defined


In terminal:

ipython nbconvert --config jekyll-post notebook.ipynb
mv notebook.md ../_drafts # or ../_posts, if we're feeling lucky